Board Basics with Conor (v3/4+)
3-Week Course
This is a 3 week programme for adults. Board basics is a course to explore what training boards are and how to start using them to help improve your climbing. We would recommend that you have been bouldering regularly for at least a year, and are able to climb approx. V3 or 4 at Rise. There is only space for 4 climbers.
£50 for members
£80 for non-members
Sessions are 1.5-2 hours long
If you have any questions about the sessions please get in touch here.
Only 4
Next Course Dates
Monday 4th Feb, 3rd & 10th March
@ 7:15pm - lessons are between 1.5 & 2 hours
Who’s Conor?
Conor is one of Rise Climbing’s Founders and is a passionate board climber.
He has been climbing for about 20 years, and has spent a significant proportion of that time falling off boards! He does not claim to be a climbing coach, but is very happy to share all the board related knowledge he has picked up along the way.
Book now & come and join Conor on the board!!
Week 1 (1.5h)
What are Training Boards?
Spray walls, set boards, digital boards (moon, kilter, tension), woodies - there is a whole world of boards out there!
The first week will focus on introducing training boards. We will specifically breakdown how the set board and moonboard at Rise works, and how we can use them
We will discuss how we we can adjust our mindset when board climbing, and how to set incremental goals to help us progress
Board climbing is hard, a proper warm-up is key to helping avoid injuries. Special attention given to the fingers and shoulders!
Hopefully we will have some time to try a couple of moves
Week 2 (2h)
Just a Move
This session it’s all about getting comfortable falling off - one move at a time
It’s not only about getting to the top! Board climbing is training, you should be pushing your limits. Incremental gains are what we are trying to achieve - if it’s easy you are not going to improve
Through building our own board climb we will be looking at board techniques, body tension, and how we can more effectively use our feet
Week 3 (2h)
It’s all about projecting - trying hard on the individual climbs we created in the previous week
We will also use these climbs to try and identify specific weaknesses (e.g. struggling to keep feet on). We can then use these weaknesses to direct how we use the more effectively board
Discuss how we can structure our board sessions efficiently and to reduce the risk of injury
Review what we have learnt over the lessons, and identify improvements no matter how incremental. Its all about finding motivation in the marginal!